Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello…I have multiple personalities…

I briefly mentioned in Blog numero uno that I’m planning a move from South Arkansas to Memphis, TN.  Since we last spoke…err…blogged…I have found a job, moved several boxes of useless junk, and begun a series of tearful goodbyes.  I do, however, have about three weeks until I move “for good”.  As you may have noticed (or not) I have not graced you with my charming and witty (or obnoxious and boring…you decide) ramblings in quite sometime.  Here is why…I have found myself bombarded with a plethora of mood swings, not unlike that which I would imagine someone with multiple personality disorder to experience.  Some days I feel beyond excited at the prospect of living in Memphis (a place I have seen myself moving to for a number of years) while other days I find myself increasingly sad and anxious knowing that I will be leaving behind a pretty awesome network of friends and family.  Sometimes the best decisions we make in life are the hardest ones (i.e. divorcing my ex…both times…).   Of course sometimes the worst decisions we make in our lives are the hardest ones (i.e. getting married…both times…).  Either way I am going to jump and not look back…cause lets face it…I’m not getting any younger.  That and life should be for living…yep I just said that…corny right?! I totally agree…so stick with the younger thing.  So for my sanity and just a reminder to myself in print…for the whole world to see…I’m going to make a list of all the reasons I’m making this move…

  1. I have always wanted to live in a town with a population greater than 20,000…
  2. Memphis has always felt more like home to me than anywhere else.
  3. They have an Indian restaurant…I mean c’mon…that is a requirement for everyone right…??
  4. The best bookstore ever resides right in Midtown.
  5. Music…enough said…
  6. Barbeque…enough said…
  7. Overton Park.
  8. My awesome big brother.
  9. My super cool brother in law.
  10. They have a Target and a Starbucks…common sense, hello!
  11. An airport!!!!!!!
  12. Something to do on a Friday night besides renting a movie.  In all fairness I love movies but it never hurts to change it up a bit!

Well that is a few of the things that they offer to me personally…any thoughts/advice/suggestions on moving to a new city? 

Next time…pictures of the new apartment J I’m super pumped about it!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To me...

So for this blog posting I am going to do something different...perhaps taboo.  I was going through some boxes and trying to get rid of more useless stuff (more about that later) today when I came across a letter that my Mom (aka Marmie) wrote me when I was the ripe old age of 13.  I remember going through a particularly confusing/difficult/frustrating time in my life and dear old Marmie once again had some wisdom.  So now I am going to type the letter exactly as she wrote it so that perhaps you may glean a life lesson or two from it. And yes, that means that she really should get the credit for this post.

Dear little Robyn,

I know it's hard to be 13.  That's been true through all of time. And that "depression" you mentioned sort've goes with it.  A little moreso for some than others.  You may be one of the "moreso's", as you're bright and sensitive (that just means you feel things a little more than some folks do).

I know, too, that it's important to like yourself.  But you will! That takes time, too, and will get easier as time goes by.

There are books written, mostly for parents, about just this stuff---being 13 (because it's considered the toughest) and 14.  They just explain all of the changes going on - the "little girl" is almost gone and the "grown woman" is not quite there yet.  So, my dear, you are a "young lady" now, and a very fine one.You're also very pretty, Robyn. Your little figure's not quite going thro' all its' changes yet and there will actually be days when you just feel "fat" - as you put it.  But, no, honey, you're definitely not fat!

These days in the Ozarks when we're "snowed in" or "iced in" or "frozen in" or whatever, will go hard with you, too.  Not much to do but read books and watch movies - good books and good movies, but not reality.  So, you're still finding yourself with that "reality" in between movies and books.  Time to think and maybe even to be a little sad sometimes.

You do have friends, too, Robyn, and they like you.  Living out here in Henderson leaves you a little with feelings of being "left out" sometimes.  And it's not as easy to have those close, close friends when we're so far away from everybody.  But, Miss Robyn, even that, you handle well.  Really well.  (Much better than I ever could've when I was your age...)

So you've been up against some odds - but you're a "winner", like your Dad.  And all will go well with you and all of these things will smooth out for you as time goes along. 

I love you so very much, honey.  Now you eat your broccoli and be a good, and HAPPY, girl.

                                                                                               God Bless You,

Sitting on the patio reading this letter this afternoon reminded me of several things, but most importantly it reminded me where I came from and how very lucky I was to have her on my side.  Marmie left this world for another over 9 years ago and I miss her everyday.  Nothing is perfect, not my relationship with Marmie, not my eating habits, nor my music taste.  But if I dwell on that that is not perfect...well my skin will suffer for one thing, but more importantly so will my well being.  And lets face it...I'm nothing if not cheerful :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Less Stuff + More Experience = a happy life

Less stuff+ more experiences= a happy life.

One night my roommate and I found ourselves bored and in desperate need of something to do.  Since we live in a small town we are rather limited on choices (I mean really you can only go to so many barn raisings).  We decided to make a 45 minute trek to a nearby town to do a little shopping (gotta love that Wal-Mart).  On the way home I started feeling…well…dumpy is really the only way to put it so please excuse my lack of vocabulary just this once.  I tried to pin down the source of said dumpiness (better?).  Now at this point I could tell you a really long story about how I cried about how meaningless my life had become but well…I’m not going to waste your time with such drudgery.  Rather I shall skip to the important part.  I realized that I wanted less stuff in my life.  More eloquently put I wanted to work to become a less material person (insert Madonna singing here).  I mean they can’t pack all those purses in the grave with me!  I went straight home that night and began going through my closet.  I got rid of probably a third of my clothes.  Lots of purses, shoes, jewelry, and a plethora of odd’s and end’s made their way to the trunk of my car where I promptly delivered them to a local thrift store.  I decided from that point on that I would no longer buy something just because I wanted it.  I had to need it!  Of course I must tell you that it is easier said than done.  I mean, I’m not saying that I was like jonesing for a T.J. Maxx or something…no, I was just…well ok I was jonesing for T.J. Maxx.  It kind of works like dieting for me.  If you tell me I can’t have it, like absolutely cannot have it…well then it becomes the one thing I really need to get my hands on.  So before long I found myself with far more stuff than I needed.  Once again I had let my shopping habit (NOT addictionJ) get the better of me.  So I started over.  And this time I did better.  I was a little (lot) easier on myself.  Truthfully it has been a lot easier since I stopped putting so much pressure on myself.  I mean really, I’m no Mother Theresa.  Lord knows I wish I were.  I have done a little reading about other people with similar goals and have found that I still have a long way to go.  I actually read an article about a couple that has limited themselves to a hundred things or less. (I tried to find the link to the article, however apparently there is now a book, etc.  Check it out.) Which is great, but really, who would I be kidding if I committed to that?? I would probably end up committed to an institution somewhere.   The point is (I’m aware that you are wondering) that when you rely on stuff to make you happy, well it just won’t.  I mean, maybe for a minute.  Or even an hour or two, but it ain’t gonna last…so think about it.  Get rid of a bag of stuff.  See how good it makes you feel J

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And this is why....

Food blog you say? Health blog or perhaps even a diet blog? Nope, this is rather a life blog!  My words (lacking in wisdom) to the world (internet) that I find significant (sometimes) in the matters of life…you know breathing, eating, working, walking your dog, staying healthy, and having the occasional beer while watching reality television.  Um, ok so I probably shouldn’t admit to that last part about the reality television so just pretend that I said while reading Shakespeare.  Ever the intellectual…or T.V. junkie… I do strive to be. 
About this title…I just like the Keep Calm (you know don’t sweat the small stuff) part and as for the “Eat Your Broccoli”…well that is straight from the horses (my Mother) mouth.  Always known for her classic way of ending a phone conversation with “I love you and don’t forget to eat your broccoli!” my Mother (or Marmie as she was known to me) was chock full of wise words.  I mean really…Buddha must be jealous.  So as a sort of tribute to Marmie dearest, this blog shall have a few of her favorite pieces of advice woven throughout (i.e. “ladies only wear white cotton panties”).
I’m new to the “blog scene” but somewhat of a veteran to the irreverent humor category.  Sarcasm never ceases to delight me and I am absolutely charmed by the occasional satirical diatribe.
I'm sure you are wondering what the point of this is...well so am I so don't ask me (I will ask at this point that you excuse the dry humor).   Blogging is an undertaking that I have thought about often and have been know to put it on my to-do list (more about that later) on numerous occasions. Since I am planning a semi-big move (South Arkansas to Memphis) in the next two months I decided it was a splendid time to start. So here goes nothing :)