Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello…I have multiple personalities…

I briefly mentioned in Blog numero uno that I’m planning a move from South Arkansas to Memphis, TN.  Since we last spoke…err…blogged…I have found a job, moved several boxes of useless junk, and begun a series of tearful goodbyes.  I do, however, have about three weeks until I move “for good”.  As you may have noticed (or not) I have not graced you with my charming and witty (or obnoxious and boring…you decide) ramblings in quite sometime.  Here is why…I have found myself bombarded with a plethora of mood swings, not unlike that which I would imagine someone with multiple personality disorder to experience.  Some days I feel beyond excited at the prospect of living in Memphis (a place I have seen myself moving to for a number of years) while other days I find myself increasingly sad and anxious knowing that I will be leaving behind a pretty awesome network of friends and family.  Sometimes the best decisions we make in life are the hardest ones (i.e. divorcing my ex…both times…).   Of course sometimes the worst decisions we make in our lives are the hardest ones (i.e. getting married…both times…).  Either way I am going to jump and not look back…cause lets face it…I’m not getting any younger.  That and life should be for living…yep I just said that…corny right?! I totally agree…so stick with the younger thing.  So for my sanity and just a reminder to myself in print…for the whole world to see…I’m going to make a list of all the reasons I’m making this move…

  1. I have always wanted to live in a town with a population greater than 20,000…
  2. Memphis has always felt more like home to me than anywhere else.
  3. They have an Indian restaurant…I mean c’mon…that is a requirement for everyone right…??
  4. The best bookstore ever resides right in Midtown.
  5. Music…enough said…
  6. Barbeque…enough said…
  7. Overton Park.
  8. My awesome big brother.
  9. My super cool brother in law.
  10. They have a Target and a Starbucks…common sense, hello!
  11. An airport!!!!!!!
  12. Something to do on a Friday night besides renting a movie.  In all fairness I love movies but it never hurts to change it up a bit!

Well that is a few of the things that they offer to me personally…any thoughts/advice/suggestions on moving to a new city? 

Next time…pictures of the new apartment J I’m super pumped about it!!

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