Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Am I girl?

Hola! Bonjour!
Well you all know I moved to Memphis back in July and sort of dropped off the face of the blogosphere. As I'm sure you can imagine I have been trying to find my way in a new city...especially difficult since I've never lived in a city before. Shockingly enough I have found city life to be quite difficult...well shocking to me anyway. Who knew that I would find a city with 650k people to be so lonely? Now, before I go any further, this is not a Blog to be filled with woe and regret...this is a journey of self discovery wrought with the sarcastic humor that I adore. Totally resisting the urge to insert an emoticon here.
First of all I will (soon) post pictures of my super cute apartment...not to brag but my little sanctuary in the city is amazing...angels singing please....ok forget the angels but it is pretty wonderful.
So I have learned more about myself in the last six months than I did in the last 5 years...not all of it pleasant to find but massively important all the same. I think we can all agree that self discovery can range from splendid to absolute poo...yes I said it...poo. Now my current discoveries rank about midway on this scale but when I first made them I will admit I was thinking poo. So here goes...I have considered myself a city person my entire life...and yet, I had never lived in a city until six months ago. Here is the part of the self discovery that makes me cringe....I thought that being in a city would be a fair trade for the friends and family that I was leaving behind. Lesson learned. Not a good trade at all.
I haven't updated this blog simply because I wasn't in the place I intended to be when I started. But now, I'm back! I have learned some hugely valuable things about myself and I have (hopefully) become better for it. new plan is to most likely to return to my small town this plan is to never judge small town life negatively plan is to never take my friends and family for granted again. I know I will have to be reminded of this from time to time so this blog is my contract to that effect. I a country girl? Not nessicarily ...I'm a girl who needs her peeps (yep that just happened) more than she needs tall buildings and rush hour traffic.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this!
    I love you in spite of (or maybe because of) your ability to put "poo" and "peeps' in the same blog post. And because you're an amazing person regardless of where you live.
