Friday, September 7, 2012

Call it a hiatus.

So.  It has been over four months since I've visited this place.  I have taken a little hiatus I guess you could say, albeit an unlplanned one. 

Coming back from Europe (amazing by the way) I found myself in a very fast paced spanish course to complete the requirements for my bachelors degree.  You will all be glad to know that I graduated with said degree a month ago.  What, you may ask, have I been doing with my newfound freedom?  The answer to that would be a question...who in the hell am I and what I am going to do with the rest of my life...??  The truth is...I'm still working that out.  The only thing I know right now is that I am a registered nurse working in Louisiana in a rural hospital intensive care unit.  In the last year and a half I have been a college student, I moved to a new city, started a new job, had a new title in said job, decided I hated said job, left said new city, returned to old job, old house, old life...
To be frank, I am a bit shell shocked at the present.  Over the last several months (once school was no longer an issue) I have realized that I have absolutely no plan for what happens next.  Once upon a time I wanted to be a nurse practitioner but I did a lot of soul searching and I don't believe that is my future.  Which leaves me back at square one.  What am I doing? Where am I going?

Now, you may say, what is wrong with the life you have now?  Why not be satisfied? Content? Happy to have a good job and good friends?  Well the answer to that is: Nothing is wrong with my life the way it is.  I love where I am right now.  And for now this is where I want to be.  But not forever.  The hard part of all of this is not being where I am.  It's relinquishing my constant need to plan.  To make lists and charts and dedicate long afternoons to internet searchs about my next venture.  

So.  I am not, I repeat am not, planning my next move.  And that my friends is why it has taken me four months to post a blog.  I have spent four months deciding to not decide anything.  Ironic right?? 

I don't know what the future may hold.  Different career, family, kids, writing, travelling, new city, new house?? All are possiblities.None may happen. Or maybe the all will.  And that is the beauty of this decision.  It is sort of like Christmas :)

Since reading and writing are some of my favorite pastimes I am going to use my free time to indulge in these habits. 

Now, a brief note about Europe.  I will likely post more later but here are a few thoughts. 
As you may or may not know, my Europe trip was actually an educational trip through our local university.  I actually received history credit for going and writing an essay about my experience.  The trip was focused on World War II.  That also happens to be my favorite historical setting.  The perfect backdrop for my first European trip (I'm planning on it not being my only:)).  My time in Europe was seriously emotional to me.  Visiting battlegrounds, monuments, cemeteries.  All this in addition to some of the most wonderful museums I have ever had the priveledge of visiting.  In some ways I'm still hoarding the memories from myself only to treat myself to one every so often.  To prolong this surreal experience in any fashion that I can.  My absolute favorite memory?  Top two: 1. Meeting Henri, a child during the Battle of the Bulge and our guide while in Bastogne, Belgium.  2. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.  Google the monument.  It will take your breath away. 

Au Revoir for now.

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